Music Department

Blackbird Music (K-2)

Kindergarten students will learn and explore the elements of music using their body, voices, and simple percussive instruments.  They will sing songs, play interactive games, explore simple rhymes, and play a variety of awesome pitched and un-pitched instruments.  They will learn to imitate patterns they hear and see, as well as create their own unique music.

This Weeks Tasks

  1. Tenuto Sessions x2 (4min each)        
  2. Sing Memories x2        
  3. Practice “Happy Christmas”      
  4. Music Exploration
  5. Misc.

Quick Links for This Page

Music Theory: Notes and Rhythms

Below are materials, links, and videos to extend students’ knowledge in music theory.

Note Identification Section

Tenuto–How To

Note ID Lesson

Tenuto Expectation

  • 90-100% = Exceed Standard
    • Move Up Level
  • 75-89% = Meeting Standard
    • Choose to Redo/Move Up
  • 60-74% = Approaching Standard
    • Redo Session
  • 0-59% = Needs Support
    • Redo Session

Performance: Productions

This year we will attempt to do our Holiday Performance, but as a back up with create a Production that will replace a live performance due to social distancing restrictions. We will also be creating at least one Spring Production, possibly two. We will begin with “High Hopes” by Panic! At The Disco.

Project Resources

Performance: Instrumental

Kindergarten students will begin exploring sounds using pitched and un-pitched percussive instruments.  Since music is full of opposites, they will explore: pitch – high and low, dynamics – loud and quiet, tempo – fast and slow.  Music is also full of patterns: rhythm, ostinato, meter, form, as well as plenty silence.

Kindergarteners will learn to pay attention to the sounds and silences that they and their classmates make. Then they will begin adjusting those sounds to create awesome music.

Lesson Videos

Welcome!  You found me!

Let It Be sing-along

TEMPO – Engine #9 and 500 Miles

Chrome Music Lab

Click the link above to get started! Share your creations with Mrs. Cross at

Experiment with rhythms, composing, melodies, and more on this awesome site!!

Class Videos

Mrs. Balinski

Mrs. Balinski

Mrs. Fischer

Mrs. Fischer

One Day/No Woman No Cry
